Snacks for School Program

Support our program with a donation today and help provide nutritious apples to Rochester’s elementary students.

Empowering marginalized rural farmers through access to information, markets, and resources

Minnesota’s poor rural farmers face a number of challenges, including limited access to information, markets, and resources. This can make it difficult for them to compete in the AG marketplace and achieve economic gains.

One way to help small rural farmers is to provide them with access to information. This includes information about new agricultural technologies, best practices, technical assistance, and market opportunities. Farmers can use this information to improve their productivity, efficiency, and profitability. SEMNFRR’s aggregate food web system model has proven to be sustainable and can be replicated in many different-sized rural communities. Another way to support underrepresented food farmers and makers is to provide them with access to markets. SEMNFRR achieves this by connecting farmers with public institution’s food service systems; and expanding wholesale and retail distribution channels and POS locations, such as grocery stores, restaurants, local businesses, and larger food processors. We also help farmers develop the skills they need to market their products effectively. We prevent farm waste by rescuing and redirecting food crop overages before it sent and documented at MN landfills. SEMNFRR also provides food rescue and processing of value-added products from seconds that are unsuitable for the retail food market. We provide emerging farmers guidance towards planting culturally relevant crops, regenerative farming practices, and agroforestry. We assist under-represented food growers, processors, and small businesses by providing training for food system entry requirements, and state licensing requirements. Our food system model also reduces food insecurity through the redistribution of rescued food; into the community where it is grown. This greatly reduces the number of food miles for food grown in our community leaving less of a carbon footprint.